Corporate Profile

LK Domain Registry is a company limited by guarantee and it is managed by a Board of Directors.

The LK Domain Registry is the national body that registers domain names ending in “.lk”. It is an independent organization that works to create a unique Sri Lankan identity on the web. We have expertise in providing one-stop services for all web and Internet needs. Among the services provided by LK Domain are:

Domain Registration

Annual Renewal of Domain Names

Web Hosting

e-mail Service

Website Development

We have a network of authorized agents across the island, working 24×7 to assist in registering and billing activities of domain names.

In addition, LK Domain Registry is responsible for developing top level domain policies and is always on the forefront of domain name technologies, as exemplified by carrying out the research projects in the following:

  • IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6)
  • DNSSEC (Domain Name Server Security Extensions)
  • Promoting and training activities to use the technologies mentioned above

We take a forward-thinking approach to address rapidly evolving domain technologies, as we are dedicated to help Sri Lankans reach out to the world via “.lk” domains.

The Board of Directors

Mr. Dumindra Ratnayaka

Mr. Dumindra Ratnayaka


Chairman, 1990 Suwa Seriya
Chairman/ Senior Consultant, Martin & George (PVT) Ltd


Prof. Gihan Dias

Director / CEO / Domain Registrar
Professor at University of Moratuwa

Dr. Sunimal Rathnayake

Senior Lecturer – Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Moratuwa

Mr. Mahesh Perera

Mr. Mahesh Perera

Chief Executive Officer, Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka

Mr. Harsha Wijayawardhana

Mr. Harsha Wijayawardhana

Chief Operating Officer, Theekshana
Non-Executive Director, Bank of Ceylon (BOC)

Mr. Lal Chandranath

Mr. Lal Chandranath

Organization / Leadership Coach and Consultant

Mr. Indika De Zoysa

Mr. Indika De Zoysa

Vice President, Huawei Technologies Lanka Co (Pvt) Ltd

Mr. Shantha Gunanandana

Acting Director Special Projects, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka

Mr. Chanuka Wattegama

Director – Policy, Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka