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Limited Services

The LK Domain Registry will be closed on 16th and 17th August 2024.

Please email your urgent enquiries to hostmaster@domains.lk and we will attend as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Special Notice

Effective from 01st January 2024, Value Added Tax (VAT) at a rate of 18% will be applicable to our domain prices.

This change is in accordance with the most recent VAT regulations and directives released by the Sri Lankan government.

The new domain pricing structure can be seen at Domain Payments.

Early renewal discount

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What is LK Domain Registry?

LK Domain Registry is an independent non-profit organization, which helps Sri Lankan organizations and individuals create their unique identity on the web by registering .LK domains.

The LK Domain Registry is committed to providing Internet registry and information services in an efficient, effective and reliable manner to enhance the security, stability and resiliency of the Internet Domain Name System (DNS) infrastructure in Sri Lanka and to foster the integrity and growth of .lk domain names.

What exactly is .LK Domain?

We are the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sri Lanka. Since 1990, individuals, businesses, religious bodies and non-profit organizations have adopted .lk web addresses to make their mark on the internet. .LK enables both companies registered in Sri Lanka as well as the international firms, who do not have a local presence, to register their domains in .lk. For companies with operations in Sri Lanka, a .lk address inspires consumer confidence and encourages people to “buy Sri Lankan.” The LK Domain Registry offers excellent opportunities for businesses to get the addresses they need.

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